
Forced Managed Repair Programs (MRP)
If your insurance company has a Managed Repair Program you may be in for a surprise if you have to present a claim. Some insurance companies have been adding language to their policies that force you to use vendors selected by the insurance company to make repairs to your home. This means that your insurance company may force their own vendor on you. Many times these vendors are owned or affiliated with the insurance company. The choice about what repairs will be made and who will make them is no longer in your control.
Insurer Managed Repair vendors won’t even start repairs until you pay them your deductible. One such company claims that managed repair programs are “simply the best”. For who? When language is added to policies that limits your choice, we don’t see that as simply the best for policyholders. If you dare to dispute this unfair practice, some companies will even sue you in order to force compliance! Or they will restrict your insurance coverage to arbitrarily low limits. Many times the vendors selected by insurance companies do poor work or don’t pull permits.
Call your insurance claim expert from Tropical Tradewinds to make sure you have your public insurance adjuster by your side. If you have experience a loss such as plumbing failure, water heater failure, dishwasher leak or all other water related losses your insurance company may try to subject you to Managed Repair. Tropical Tradewinds will provide you with a free claim review and let you know if we can help make sure your insurance company pays what you are owed.
Call your own insurance professional when you have a claim. The licensed public adjusters at Tropical Tradewinds are available for a free policy review. They can tell you if you are subject to this anti-consumer language in your insurance policy and, if so, what you can do about it.

Robert Rosado is a licensed and bonded insurance adjuster with over 10 years of experience helping guide policyholders through the complicated financial recovery process involved in presenting an insurance claim in Florida. He became a member of the FAPIA Board of Directors in 2014 and has served on various committees including Ethics, Community Affairs and the FAPIA Ambassador Legislative Outreach Committee.