
Special Limits of Liability
Did you know you are limited in what you can recover for your damaged electronics, jewelry and art? You may not be aware that your insurance policy contains a section entitled “Special Limits of Liability” which creates limitations in the amount of money you can recover for a variety of items. This is a section…

Forced Managed Repair Programs (MRP)
If your insurance company has a Managed Repair Program you may be in for a surprise if you have to present a claim. Some insurance companies have been adding language to their policies that force you to use vendors selected by the insurance company to make repairs to your home. This means that your insurance…

The Unlicensed Practice of Public Adjusting or UPPA – It’s Against the Law
A water insurance claim (any insurance claim) is not a job for your plumber, roofer or contractor. The Florida Department of Financial Services regulates insurance adjusters and they have issued public warnings to contractors and others who go door to door in neighborhoods selling insurance claims services without a public adjusters license. Do you want…